It is a tragic but consistent fact that year after year, Texas has the highest number of fatalities resulting from accidents with large trucks in the nation (621 as of 2017). Large trucks, also known as semi-trucks or 18-wheelers, weigh 10,000 to 80,000 pounds, up to 20 times the weight of a standard passenger vehicle. The massive size and weight difference helps explain the fact that most people killed in truck accidents are not in the trucks. In fact, 82% of truck accident fatalities are passengers in other vehicles, or pedestrians, bystanders, or cyclists who were not inside the truck at the time of the crash. For these individuals, the damage can be life-altering or even life-ending. Studies show that on average, a truck accident that injures one person costs that party nearly $150,000. If there is a single fatality involved in the crash, the average cost skyrockets to $7,000,000. 

Why it is Important to Hire a Lawyer After a Truck Accident

If you have been involved in a truck accident and have suffered an injury, it is important to hire an experienced San Antonio truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. While it may be natural to want to focus on your recovery and deal with legalities later, insurance companies will be in a hurry to try and wrap things up as soon as possible. They will likely be contacting you a great deal during this time, and without representation, you may agree to a settlement that does not fully cover the expenses stemming from the collision. A lawyer will take over the settlement process and ensure that all past, present, and anticipated future expenses are accounted for, including things like pain and suffering and loss of consortium. 

What Expenses Will a Lawsuit Cover? 

Injuries are expensive–particularly the kind caused by an 18-wheeler truck. A lawsuit seeks to make you whole in a monetary sense, by restoring you to the financial position you would have been in had the accident not occured. In the case of an injury, this includes all expenses stemming from the injury (hospitalization, medical expenses, physical therapy, medications, specialists, testing, rehabilitative expenses, etc.). Additionally, if the injury kept you from working, you can recover all the money you would have earned had you been uninjured and able to work normally (i.e. lost wages). Pain and suffering damages are calculated by the court to compensate for the intangible trauma involved in experiencing, recovering from, and living with the trauma of the accident. 

In the unfortunate event that someone is killed in the large truck accident, a lawsuit will also attempt to compensate for their lost earning potential (how much they were going to earn over a lifetime), and loss of consortium or companionship if they have a spouse, as well as any medical, funeral, or other expenses incurred as a result of the accident

Next Steps 

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury as a result of a large truck collision, it is important to contact an experienced San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer as soon as possible. Contact the Law Offices of Eric Ramos to schedule a free consultation today.